
Saturday, September 11, 2004

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill the Poor

Here is a lovely little story from the magical land of Texas, where all of America's future can be seen if Bush and his thugs get their way.

In a new rate-setting tactic for electric utilities, the unit of Dallas-based TXU Corp. plans bigger rate increases for customers with low "credit scores," which are numeric rankings that take into account customer histories of paying electricity, phone and cable bills, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Remember Enron energy traders laughing at stealing all of granny's money in California until some crazy lefties insisted on price controls which Bush opposed? Don't you just love compassionate conservatism? Can't afford to pay your rent and your electric bill on time? Next month your electric bill will be higher, which of course means that your credit score will be even lower, which means your electric bill will be higher .............

Maybe we should let the wise and all knowing market control everything, including all of our utilities. It seems reasonable for a utility to charge $2 for a glass of water in the middle of the summer when everyone is thirsty instead of a hundredth of a cent doesn't it? The price should be determined by the willingness of buyers to pay not by some vague notion of the public good. The people who can't afford it can do their civic duty and die. This seems to be what the pro-life party believes. I know, lets rename "privatization and deregulation"; "The Final Solution", it's easier to say and it gets the point across more effectively.

The really ironic thing is that policies like this and not anything that the so called liberals in this country have ever advocated are what is likely to lead to real class revolt. All of the real radicals are on the right, but when this is pointed out the critics are accused of fomenting 'class warfare". In a real sense it is the well off that are the ones killing the goose that laid the golden egg, which is the enviable "American way of life" by allowing their greed to get the best of them.

If we continue on down this road there will be strong resistance at some point. This is not in the best interest of anyone.


we are all gonna die! im scurred.

dad, i am concerned, when the apocalypse comes, will i be able to stop laughing in time to curse the bastards that paved the way? neo-con/capitalism uber alles jerks seem to have been employing the tactics that douglas adams... or some other author, i cant really remember, wrote about: if it is crazy enough, loud enough, if it defies all logic... no one will believe it is actually happening, and the few that do notice will be either too shocked to act or institutionalized.

your loving daughter,
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