
Friday, September 17, 2004

Kerry Voted for Higher Taxes ..

Isn't it odd that the above statement is a politically effective grave insult no matter what the circumstances. Amazing. What the other side is saying is that increasing revenue to actually pay the exhorbitant bills you are running up is a heinous act. Currently we are running a $400,000,000,000 annual deficit. Bush seems to be saying that if we re-elect him we'll never have to pay our bills. To believe this kind of garbage is to believe, at a mature age, in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and the risen Elvis Presley!

So Kerry, in a long Senate career in which thousands of votes have been cast, on bills involving disagreements, compromises, bizarre, off-topic rider amendments and political calculation, voted on occassion to tell Americans, "Guess what, stuff aint free, eventually we have to pay our bills." What Kerry's votes helped lead to was a balanced budget followed by a surplus, something which Americans had almost given up on ever eliminating after 12 years of Republican administrations that grew the National Debt between 1980 and 1992 from $930 billion dollars to over $4 trillion! Republicans say they are the fiscally conservative party and they increased the debt by $3 trillion? And then some commie radical senator votes to pay some of this crushing load which will one day be our children's, and very likely our own, ruin. How dare he!


Doesn't he understand that the idea is to run massive deficits intentionally in order to make the elimination of extremely popular social programs almost a certainty. It's not like anyone seriously believes Supply Side Economics actually works. These programs could never be threatened in the absence of a fiscal crisis because it would be political suicide to mount a frontal attack on them. Therefore the plan is to intentionally create a fiscal crisis of immense proportion. Think I am making this up? David Stockman, Reagan's first Budget Director admitted openly to this conspiracy in 1986. The delightful Grover Norquist from American Taxpayers United has said that we need to starve the beast (the Federal Government) in order to, "shrink it down to the size that you can drown in a bathtub." Does that sound like a good idea?

So that is what this election is about. Not fiscal conservative republican versus free spending liberals. The choice is between the eventual elimination of Social Security, Medicare, and the public school system or the pre-Bush status quo. So, this would mean that the Democrats are the conservatives and the Republicans are the ones working hard towards a radical transformation of American life.

Hmm. Imagine that.

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