
Sunday, June 06, 2004


Most candidates for President open their campaigns in historically significant places - Liberty Hall in Philadelphia, the site of the Boston Massacre, Monticello etc.

Ronald Reagan opened his campaign in 1980 in Philadelphia, Miss. The theme of his remarks that day was State's rights.

What is the significance of Philadelphia, Miss?

Civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner and James Cheney disappeared there and were later found to be brutally murdered and buried in a shallow grave.

Two northern Jews and a black had dared to come to Mississippi in 1964 as part of "Freedom Summer" to help register blacks to vote. The good white folks of Mississippi argued that segregation was allowed based on the principle of "States Rights". The legal community of Phila., MI conspired to cover up this heinous crime.

Sixteen years later Reagan's message could not be clearer to southern racists. "I am one of you" he was saying. "I will protect you from the niggers and the Jews". It was a brilliant strategy and the kindly grandfatherly Reagan won the south as a direct result of this divide and conquer technique.

This is who Reagan was. I will not turn my TV on for a week (except to watch Calgary win game 7 of the Stanley Cup final) for fear of flying into a rage over the impending Reagan beatification.
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