
Sunday, June 27, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11

Saw the Michael Moore movie last night. We bought tickets on-line Friday for a Saturday night showing since the movie was selling out quickly. The movie was playing on two screens simultaneously and the crowd was lining up an hour in advance of the film to get good seats.

This movie is devastating. There is lots of humor, especially in the first half of the film, but as evidence of supreme incompetence and conflict of interest on the part of Bush add up it was harder and harder for me to laugh. Still there was plenty of snickering and occassional gasps of shock and outrage going on in the theatre until the coverage switched in earnest to graphic scenes of violence in Iraq. Suddenly it was as if the audience had been knocked backwards on it's heals. The theatre was silent for the last 30 minutes or so of the film. The crowd applauded enthusiastically at the end.

As we left a very long line of people were watching our faces trying to read our response to the film. We must have looked like people leaving a funeral. I could hear people saying that they were going to do something, register voters, spread the word, fight to get this bastard out of the White House, etc, etc. My 16 year old daughter was so overcome with emotion over the film that she broke down in tears and had some trouble walking to the car.

There was nothing in this film that was new information to me because I have been following this horrible administration very closely. There was a lot in this film that will be a surprise to audiences. The war scenes and the interview with amputees at Walter Reed Army Hospital have not been seen by most Americans. These scenes are devastating and have clearly been hidden from the American people. One of the most moving scenes was of a soldier visiting Capitol Hill saying that he would go to jail rather than return to Iraq. He said that he would not kill any more poor people who posed no threat to him or his country, that no one could make him do that.

The overwhelming emotion that I felt during the film was anger. I believe that this film will lead to a landslide defeat of Bush in November. I have seen first hand how many people right now are volunteering to get involved in campaigns and donate money to political causes for the first time in their lives. In the county where I live there has been an incredible increase in attendance at Democratic Party events with people volunteering to canvass door to door to elect Democrats in record number. Apathy is no longer an option. The tipping point is nearly at hand. Voters may well punish all Republicans, not just the president for the disaster that has befallen our country.

This movie has the potential to light a fire that will consume the Bush administration. It is that powerful. If any shenanigans are pulled to deny the voice of the people in November we could very well have a revolution in this country, people will simply not stand for it.

To the ballot box. November cannot come soon enough!

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