
Thursday, December 11, 2003

Voting Machine Update

More news from the good folks at Diebold.

I am sure that it is nothing to worry about.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Casual About Casualties

I am one who believes strongly that it is important for the public to know the real costs of military conflicts. I want to know how many soldiers are killed, on both sides, and I want to know how many civilians are killed. Am I naive enough to think that these numbers will ever be 100% accurate? No. Does this mean that the issue should be ignored? Hell no.

Check out this shocking bit of news from Iraq.

Why is it important to know how many are killed? Well for one, we need to know
It is essential to have independent verification of civilian casualties.

Monday, December 08, 2003

GI Joke

MAD Magazine nails Bush!

Friday, December 05, 2003

Rich versus Poor

We have no class in America of course.

Recently I saw a great interview on Bill Moyers with Joseph Hough president of Union Theological Seminary in New York. Here is a link to the full transcript. Scroll down to the interview. Very interesting. Good to see deeply religious folk who oppose this monstrous administration.

Read this.

In his article Krugman refers to George Akerlof, American Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics.

See what Mr. Akerlof thinks of this administration.
This is a Lot of Fun

Check out this site.

I made a couple myself.

I saw someone wearing this hat in a grocery store a while back.

Campaign button.
My First Post

This website is my therapy. It's main purpose is for me to vent my spleen so it does not explode. The many varied crimes of the Bush Junta is the main cause of my distress but other villains cry out for denunciations as well. I will post when I can.

The site is not exclusively a means for howling at the moon. If positive political action or collaboration leading to positive outcomes spring from this, terrific. If not, I'll still entertain myself and maybe a few others.

The name GloomAndDoomer comes from a Reagan era description of folks like me; people who knew in their bones that the Reagan crowd were heinous scum. I could have called it ABlameAmericaFirster but that was too long.

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